Sunday, November 15, 2015

10 Prophet Muhammad Quotes: A Taste of Honey

10 Prophet Muhammad Quotes

The following short selection of Prophet Muhammad quotes are a brief introduction to the sweetness and balance of the Islamic spiritual path.

Prophet Muhammad Quotes #1: Seek God

Whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet him.

Prophet Muhammad Quotes #2: Meditate and Reflect

There is a polish for everything that takes away rust, and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of God.

Prophet Muhammad Quotes #3: The Golden Rule

You will not enter paradise until you have faith. And you will not complete your faith until you love one another.

Prophet Muhammad Quotes #4: Non-Attachment

The worldly comforts are not for me. I am like a traveler, who takes rest under a tree in the shade and then goes on his way.

Prophet Muhammad Quotes #5: Attain Balance

Conduct yourself in this world as if you are here to stay forever, and yet prepare for eternity as if you are to die tomorrow.

Please note that this particular tradition was actually stated by Imam Ali (kw), the nephew of the Prophet Muhammad (saws), and one of his two main spiritual inheritors.

Prophet Muhammad Quotes #6: Seek Excellence

Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.
Prophet Muhammad Quotes #7: Be Compassionate

Verily, God is Compassionate and is fond of compassion, and He gives to the compassionate what He does not give to the harsh.

Prophet Muhammad Quotes #8: Know Thyself

The greatest of wealth is the richness of the soul.

Prophet Muhammad Quotes #9: Serve and Love

Who is the most favored of God? He from whom the greatest good comes to His creatures.

Prophet Muhammad Quotes #10: Seek Wisdom

It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad, and it is better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent, but silence is better than idle words.