Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Muhammad The Prophet Of Islam Biography And Pictorial Guide


كل مسلم يحب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم أكثر من كل شئ
Every Muslim loves Muhammad (peace be upon him) more than himself and more 
than everything in his life.
قبل أن تقول رأيك أدعوك ان تكون محايد فإذا أردت أن تحكم على شخص فعليك : 
 1-أن تسمع منه هو شخصيا ، أنت تستمع الي أحاديثه ، ان تتبع أعماله .
2-تقارن الأفكار التي يدعو لها  مع المنطق الذى يقبله العقل السليم
3- فاذا أقررت منطقه أنظر إلى فعله هل فعله مطابق لكلامه؟
4-ان كان فعله مطابق لكلامه فما عليك إلا تصديقه
وفي النهاية سوف تجيب بنفسك على هذه الأسئلة المحيرة:
Before judging a person be neutral and:
1-Listen to this person, and follow his doings.
2-Compare his ideas and teachings with what is acceptable to the mind and heart.
3-If you think that his thoughts are right, compare them with his doings; is he applying his teachings?
4-If he is applying his teachings and sayings, so he is for sure right and one must believe him.
At the end you will get a clear answer for all confusing questions and you will know for sure :
who Muhammad really is
This book Muhammad: The Prophet of Islam – Biography and Pictorial Guide by Ph.D. Sam Deeb was published by White Cloud Press, 2014-08-26. It has 272 pages. Muhammad: The Prophet of Islam – Biography and Pictorial Guide has been read 20 times, it's very recommended book to buy.
Muhammad, the prophet-founder of Islam, is one of the most influential and misunderstood figures of history. The religion he founded in mid-seventh century Arabia now has over 1.5 billion followers and his impact on world affairs is immense. In this small volume, a Muslim and non-Muslim come together to tell the story of Muhammad's life and teachings in straightforward language that will appeal to all who seek an easy to read primer on the Prophet and his teachings.
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